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10.07.2024 | News

Our dear readers!

We invite you to the event "Natural Colors in Modern Interiors: How to Feel Confident When Choosing Color Solutions".

Date: July 10, 2024

Time: 16:00

Place: "Elf Decor" Salon, Chokolivskyi Blvd, 20

At our seminar, you will be able to:

  • Get acquainted with samples of decorative coatings of modern textures and colors.
  • Learn about trendy possibilities of combining colors with decor in a space.
  • Our speaker is Oksana Havrylovska, an interior design expert from the "Havrylovskyi Design and Architecture Studio", Kyiv.

Come to get inspired with new ideas and receive valuable advice from professionals!

10.07.2024 | News