The surface must be clean, dry, even, capable of bearing the load, and meet the preparation requirements. Contaminants and substances that negatively affect adhesion should be removed, and irregularities or chips should be leveled with appropriate materials, such as "KlebeMasse KM 193." Highly absorbent surfaces must be primed with materials like UniGrund sealing primer or GrundKonzentrat primer concentrate. Glossy surfaces, such as concrete, and surfaces treated with Klebe-und ArmierungsMasse AM 195 adhesive-reinforcing compound, must be primed with Acryl-PutzGrund 117. To create a uniform optical effect and improve adhesion on the prepared base, it is recommended to use Acryl-PutzGrund 117 primer tinted to match the color of the plaster.
Material Preparation
Acryl-Fassadenputz R30 is a ready-to-use dispersion plaster. Thoroughly mix the contents of the package using a low-speed mixer. If necessary, the plaster can be diluted with water to adjust the consistency, but no more than 2% of the weight. Water should be added to each bucket in the same amount to avoid color discrepancies. For mechanical application, follow the equipment operating instructions.
Note: Always consider the exact amount of water for consistency adjustment as indicated on the packaging.
Apply evenly with a stainless steel trowel or a machine for spraying fine-grained plaster, remove excess, leaving a layer the thickness of the grain. Immediately after, rub the surface with a polyurethane, polystyrene, or wooden float, making uniform movements across the surface.