The surface before application must be solid, dry and free from dust, oil and grease. Places affected by mold and moss must be cleaned mechanically and primed with primer BIOZIDGRUND ELF™ or other special agents.
Apply quartz-primer QuartzPrimer or quartz-primer QUARZGRUND ELF™ on the prepared surface and wait until it’s completely dry (fig. 1). The material can be applied in one or two layers. When applied in 1 layer it is recommended to use the quartz-primer previously tinted with the selected color. The coating should be applied evenly on the surface with a thin layer and then use the “pulling” technique over the entire surface with the help of stainless steel plastering trowel (fig. 2).
After 10-15 minutes (after stabilization of moisture) begin to smooth the material to compact, seal and level the surface with a stainless steel plastering trowel (fig. 3). Once the surface begins to dry up it is necessary to continue treating the surface using a plastic plastering trowel to avoid blackening of the surface (fig. 4).
When the coating is applied in 2 layers use the same application technology as for Travertino Style (refer Travertino Style application technology), but use the plastic plastering trowel in order to avoid blackening.
You can achieve the look of a natural polished travertine stone by treating surface with the use of electro-polishing tool after the complete drying of the product (24 hours). It is recommended to use such top coats as Finitura Castello or Velatura Vintage for Castello coating (fig. 5).
It is possible to tint Castello using universal colorants as well as using a computer tinting system. Also you should tint the top coats for Castello using universal colorants Decotoner or Toscana Toner or using a computer tinting system to achieve the patina effect.