Apply QUARTZ PRIMER to the prepared surface (fig. 1). Wait until it dries completely.
Apply a base coat to the surface using a metal spatula or plastic plastering trowel (fig. 2). The application should be made from angle to corner without breaks in order to avoid material jointing. Then, with the same tool «stretch» the coating in the selected direction - vertically, horizontally or in a circular motion. Because of the grains contained in the base, which «scratch» the walls, small grooves appear on the surface after «stretching». Wait until the surface dries completely (24 hours). Treat the base layer with sandpaper and prime with OptiGrund D11 ELF™ primer.
Before applying the SPECIAL WAX, AZURE or DECOR WAX topcoats add the selected dye or use a computer tinting system and mix it thoroughly. Apply topcoat to the surface using a brush or roller (fig. 3), then grind it with a paint glove, sponge or spatula until the desired effect is achieved (fig. 4).
It is recommended to ventilate the room for faster drying of the wax after the work is finished. VARNISH PROTECT varnishes are recommended to enhance protection.